SparkyType offers a full range of font making services including:
- Custom fonts from scratch
- Fonts from drawings or existing artwork
- Font alteration, extension and repair
- Handwriting fonts
- OpenType/advanced font features
If you are interested in a quote, or would like specific info on a font-related service, get in touch.
Another font for Telecom New Zealand, this time for their Bubble service. Three fonts were created: One outlined with a shadow, one to fill in the outline, and a third alternate 'text' version.
SparkyType worked with Pak`n Save’s advertising agency to create a brush style script to match hand lettering in their branding. The Pakn Script font is used extensively in their new advertising campaign.
SparkyType worked with Westpac’s design company to create two custom handwriting fonts to reduce the requirement for hand lettering in day-to-day design tasks.
Big Ears was created as three stand-alone fonts and also as an OpenType megafont containing all three sets of characters. The OpenType version contains custom-created features that swap characters depending on neighbouring letters, generating a ‘random’ effect when typed.
SparkyType has custom created software to facilitate the development of OpenType fonts with these advanced features. This process can be applied to any font where character variation is required.
The Pintobeer fonts were created to remedy limitations within T26’s Pintor — a typeface that simulates hand-painted signage. When letters occur too frequently in a line, it becomes obvious that the hand rendering effect is faked.
SparkyType worked closely with the design company to develop 8 new sets of capital letters and three lowercase sets to be used throughout the new Mac’s branding.
SparkyType created Bextafor Karl Willis’s 2006 redesign of the posters and fliers for the London club 'Herbal'. The fonts are used extensively for headings throughout the new design.
SparkyType developed Aotearoa Sans as an updated and improved Franklin Gothic. The font has 2 styles: Light and Regular, the Regular being marginally bolder than the light.
Aotearoa Sans maintains some of the charming quirks of Franklin Gothic while updating its overall feel and improving its on-screen performance.
SparkyType created Annahand for Massey University’s ‘Anna’s Desk’ series of advertisements. The fonts were used for sections of the ads that were written in a conversational tone, and were made from samples of the real Anna’s handwriting.
SparkyType created TUFFY from the product's logo. The font was used in promotional material for the launch of a new range and ad campaign.